% import logging % if user := PROFILE.get('user', ''): % xCSRF = f'' % else: % xCSRF = '' % end % log_id = f'{ME["template"]+".tpl"}: {user}' % logging.info(f'{log_id}: processing template') % clock_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M' % ACL = """

In the three entries below, the first field is a space-separated list of users who can access the {item} (use a single * for anyone, or add a * after your username so that only logged-in users can see the {item}). Second field is a space-separated list of IPs/subnets which can access the {item} (use * for anywhere). Note that subnets can be specified as xxx.yyy (no trailing dot). Third field is the release date. To block a user or IP/subnet prepend a ! as in !Julia
Remember to open access once you are ready to make the {item} public. All photos are individually subject to the same ACL as the gallery and cannot be accessed otherwise.

""" % % import random % import os % import copy % import time % import datetime % import json % import socket % import re % import imghdr % % no_pil = False % try: % from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps % import PIL.ExifTags as PILX % except: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: could not import PIL') % no_pil = True % ERR = 'you need to install PIL' % end % no_bleach = False % try: % import bleach % except: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: could not import bleach') % no_bleach = True % ERR = 'you need to install bleach' % end % no_ns = False % try: % import natsort % except: % logging.warning(f'{log_id}: could not import natsort') % no_ns = True % end % % pages = CONFIG['dir_pages'] % assets = CONFIG['page_assets'] % valid_slug = re.compile(CONFIG['slug_re']) % hst_ext = '.hst.png' % tn_ext = '.tn.jpg' % showcase = PAGE.get('showcase', '') % sc_data = {} % if showcase: % with open(os.path.join(showcase, 'showcase.koi'), "r", encoding='utf-8') as fd: % sc_koi = json.load(fd) % end % for real_id, meta in sc_koi['library'].items(): % sc_data[meta['orig_id']] = (real_id, meta['hidden']) % end % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def check_slug(slug): % """ check_slug(slug[str]) -> (slug[str], ERR[str]) Check the validity of the slug. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "check_slug({slug=})"') % ERR = '' % if not valid_slug.match(slug): % ERR = 'slug does not match slug_re' % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: {ERR}') % return (slug, ERR) % end % if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ME['path']), slug)): % ERR = 'slug already exists' % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: {ERR}') % end % return (slug, ERR) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def check_editor(must=True): % """ check_editor(must[bool]) -> editor[bool] Check editor credentials. Unless input has been tampered with this function should always return, hence the finality of raising a SystemExit if "must" is "True". """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "check_editor({must=})"') % editor = False % if user and ('*' in PAGE['editors'] or user.lower() in PAGE['editors']): % editor = True % end % if must and not editor: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: user "{user}" is not a editor (tampering?)') % raise SystemExit % end % return editor % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def get_img_id(): % """ get_img_id() -> img_id[str] Get an image from QUERY and verify its validity. Unless input has been tampered with this function should always return, hence the finality of raising a SystemExit. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "get_img_id()"') % img_id = QUERY.get('img_id', '') % if img_id not in PAGE['library']: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: invalid image "{img_id}" (tampering?)') % raise SystemExit % end % return img_id % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def get_exif(img_fp): % """ get_exif(img_fp[str]) -> exif_data[dict] Given an image's full path return its EXIF data. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "get_exif({img_fp=})"') % im = Image.open(img_fp) % exif_data = {} % exif2label = {'DateTimeOriginal': 'date taken', 'ExposureTime': 'exposure time', \ % 'FocalLength': 'focal length (mm)', 'FNumber': 'aperture', \ % 'ISOSpeedRatings': 'ISO', 'ExposureProgram': 'exposure', \ % 'Flash': 'flash', 'MeteringMode': 'metering mode', \ % 'WhiteBalance': 'white balance', 'FocalLengthIn35mmFilm': '35mm equiv', \ % 'Model': 'camera model', 'Flash': 'flash'} % # http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/privateifd/exif.html % ep = {0: 'not defined', 1: 'manual', 2: 'normal program', \ % 3: 'aperture priority', 4: 'shutter priority', 5: 'creative program', \ % 6: 'action program', 7: 'portrait mode', 8: 'landscape mode'} % mm = {0: 'unknown', 1: 'average', 2: 'center weighted average', 3: 'spot', \ % 4: 'multi spot', 5: 'pattern', 6: 'partial', 255: 'other', 65535: 'unknown'} % wb = {0: 'auto', 1: 'manual'} % # Full flash codes at: % # http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/privateifd/exif/flash.html % # Real way of doing this: % # (hex code) & (bit value) == (bit value) % # e.g. for strobe light (bits 1 and 2 on => 000110): % # 0x001D & int('000110', 2) == int('000110', 2) => False % # 0x001F & int('000110', 2) == int('000110', 2) => True % # Flash is off for: 0x000 0x010 0x018 0x020 % try: % exif_it = im._getexif().items() % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unable to extract EXIF data') % return exif_data % end % if exif_it: % exif_dict = dict((PILX.TAGS[k], v) for (k, v) in exif_it if k in PILX.TAGS) % end % for k, v in exif_dict.items(): % if k in exif2label: % if k == 'ExposureProgram': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = ep[v] % elif k == 'MeteringMode': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = mm[v] % elif k == 'WhiteBalance': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = wb[v] % elif k == 'FocalLength': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = f'{int(v)}' % elif k == 'FNumber': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = f'f/{v}' % elif k == 'Model': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = v.lower() % elif k == 'ExposureTime': % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = f'{v*100}/100s' % elif k == 'Flash': % if v in [0, 16, 24, 32]: % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = 'off' % else: % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = 'on' % end % else: % exif_data[exif2label[k]] = v % end % end % end % (xpix, ypix) = im.size % exif_data['geometry'] = f'{xpix}x{ypix}px' % exif_data['size'] = f'{os.stat(img_fp).st_size/1000}kB' % return exif_data % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def make_tn(img_fp): % """ make_fn(img_fp[str]) -> tn_fp[str] Given an image's full path generate a thumbnail and retun its full path. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "make_tn({img_fp=})"') % tn_fp = '' % tn_fp = img_fp+tn_ext % is_tn = os.path.exists(tn_fp) % img_ts = os.stat(img_fp).st_mtime % if is_tn and os.stat(tn_fp).st_mtime >= img_ts: % return tn_fp % end % im = Image.open(img_fp) % try: % if is_tn: % os.remove(tn_fp) % end % tn_dict = PAGE['thumbnail'] % if tn_dict['square']: % TN = ImageOps.fit(im, tn_dict['size'], Image.ANTIALIAS) % else: % TN = im.copy() % TN.thumbnail(tn_dict['size'], Image.ANTIALIAS) % end % if TN.mode != 'RGB': % TN = TN.convert('RGB') % end % TN.save(tn_fp, tn_dict['type'], quality=tn_dict['quality'], \ % optimize=tn_dict['optimize'], progressive=tn_dict['progressive']) % os.chmod(tn_fp, CONFIG['wwwfperms']) % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: error creating thumbnail {tn_fp} [{e}]') % tn_fp = '' % end % return tn_fp % end % % ##################################################################################### % % # http://tophattaylor.blogspot.ca/2009/05/python-rgb-histogram.html % # http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/histograms2.htm % # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/596216/formula-to-determine-brightness-of-rgb-color % # http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html % def make_hst(img_fp): % """ make_hst(img_fp[str]) -> hst_fp[str] Given an image's full path generate a histogram (if PAGE['histogram']['create'] is True) and retun its full path. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "make_hst({img_fp=})"') % hst_fp = '' % if not PAGE['histogram']['create']: % return hst_fp % end % hst_fp = img_fp+hst_ext % is_hst = os.path.exists(hst_fp) % img_ts = os.stat(img_fp).st_mtime % if is_hst and os.stat(hst_fp).st_mtime >= img_ts: % return hst_fp % end % im = Image.open(img_fp) % try: % if is_hst: % os.remove(hst_fp) % end % rgb_hst = im.histogram() % depth = len(rgb_hst) % bdr_col = tuple(PAGE['histogram']['border_col']) % fg_col = tuple(PAGE['histogram']['fg_col']) % bg_col = tuple(PAGE['histogram']['bg_col']) % lin_col = tuple(PAGE['histogram']['lines_col']) % height = PAGE['histogram']['height'] % n_lines = PAGE['histogram']['n_lines'] % if depth in [768, 1024]: % r_hst = rgb_hst[0:256] % g_hst = rgb_hst[256:512] % b_hst = rgb_hst[512:768] % rw = 0.299; gw = 0.587; bw = 0.114 % hst_data = [(rw*r_hst[i]**2 + gw*g_hst[i]**2 + bw*b_hst[i]**2)**0.5 for \ % i in range(0,256)] % elif depth == 256: % hst_data = rgb_hst % else: % raise ValueError % end % width = len(hst_data) % y_scale = height/max(hst_data) % canvas = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height), bg_col) % draw = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas) % if n_lines: % xmarker = width/n_lines % x = 0 % for i in range(1, n_lines+1): % draw.line((x, 0, x, height), fill=lin_col) % x+=xmarker % end % end % x=0 % for i in hst_data: % if int(i)==0: % pass % else: % draw.line((x, height, x, height-(i*y_scale)), fill=fg_col) % end % x+=1 % end % # Top % draw.line((0, 0, width, 0), fill=bdr_col) % # Right side % draw.line((width-1, 0, width-1, height), fill=bdr_col) % # Bottom % draw.line((0, height-1, width, height-1), fill=bdr_col) % # Left side % draw.line((0, 0, 0, height), fill=bdr_col) % canvas.save(hst_fp, 'PNG') % os.chmod(hst_fp, CONFIG['wwwfperms']) % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: error creating histogram {hst_fp} [{e}]') % hst_fp = '' % end % return hst_fp % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def get_slide(slides): % """ make_fn(slides[list]) -> (img_id[str], nxt[str], prev[str]) Get an img_id (using QUERY data if present) and return the prior and net slides (again as an img_id of each). "img_id" is the name of the file, btw. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "get_slide({slides=})"') % tot = len(slides) % img_id = QUERY.get('img_id', '') % # The following also sanitizes img_id: % if not img_id: % img_id = slides[random.randint(0, tot-1)] % elif img_id not in slides: % img_id = slides[0] % end % current = slides.index(img_id) % if img_id == slides[-1]: % nxt = slides[0] % else: % nxt = slides[min(current+1, tot-1)] % end % if img_id == slides[0]: % prev = slides[-1] % else: % prev = slides[max(current-1, 0)] % end % return (img_id, nxt, prev, tot, current+1) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def save_upload(): % """ save_upload() -> (files[dict], ERR[str]) Save all files from an upload returning a dictionary with information about each file. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "save_upload()"') % files = {} % ERR = '' % max_msg = f'max: {CONFIG["upload_max_size"]/(1024*1024)}MB' % if not UPLOAD: % ERR = 'no upload file found' % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: "{ERR}"') % else: % for key, up in UPLOAD.items(): % img_id = up['safe_name'] % if os.path.splitext(img_id)[1].lower() not in PAGE['image']['formats']: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: attempted to upload a non-valid image "{img_id}" (tampering?)') % raise SystemExit % end % try: % if not up['OK']: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: file "{img_id}" is too large ({max_msg})') % raise IOError % end % magic = imghdr.what('', h=up['file_data']) % if not magic or '.'+magic not in PAGE['image']['formats']: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: attempted to upload a non-valid image "{img_id}" of type {magic}') % raise SystemExit % end % with open(os.path.join(ME['path'], img_id), 'wb') as fd: % fd.write(up['file_data']) % end % ftype = up['content_type'] % fsize = len(up['file_data']) % try: % update_library(img_id, action='add') % OK = True % status = 'success' % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unable to update image library [{e}]') % OK = False % status = 'unable to update library' % end % files[img_id] = {'OK': OK, 'status': status, 'type': ftype, 'size': fsize} % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: saved file "{img_id}"') % except IOError: % files[img_id] = {'OK': False, 'status': f'file too large ({max_msg})'} % except Exception as e: % logging.error(f'{log_id}: unable to save file "{img_id}" [{e}]') % files[img_id] = {'OK': False, 'status': 'unable to save file'} % end % end % end % return (files, ERR) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def process_acl(): % """ process_acl() -> (acl_users[str/list], acl_ips[str/list], acl_time[int], editors[list]) Process an ACL from QUERY parameters. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "process_acl()"') % users_lc = [i.lower() for i in USERS] % if QUERY['who'].strip() != '*': % allowed_users = [i.lower() for i in QUERY['who'].split() if i[0] != '!'] % blocked_users = [i[1:].lower() for i in QUERY['who'].split() if i[0] == '!'] % end % if QUERY['where'].strip() != '*': % allowed_ips = [i for i in QUERY['where'].split() if i[0] != '!'] % blocked_ips = [i[1:] for i in QUERY['where'].split() if i[0] == '!'] % end % if QUERY['who'].strip() == '*': % acl_users = '*' % else: % acl_allowed = [i for i in allowed_users if i in users_lc or i == '*'] % acl_blocked = ['!'+i for i in blocked_users if i in users_lc] % acl_users = acl_allowed + acl_blocked % end % # Subnets must be of the form xxx.yyy (no trailing ".") % if QUERY['where'].strip() == '*': % acl_ips = '*' % else: % acl_allowed = [i for i in allowed_ips if socket.inet_aton(i)] % acl_blocked = ['!'+i for i in blocked_ips if socket.inet_aton(i)] % acl_ips = acl_allowed + acl_blocked % end % editors = [i.lower() for i in QUERY['editors'].split()] % editors = [i for i in editors if i in users_lc or i == '*'] % if user.lower() not in editors: % editors = [user.lower()] + editors % end % acl_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(QUERY['when'], clock_format))) % return (acl_users, acl_ips, acl_time, editors) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def update_gallery(): % """ update_gallery() -> (page[str], ERR[str]) Update the gallery ACL in "gallery.koi". """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "update_gallery()"') % ERR = '' % page = ME['page'] % try: % title = bleach.clean(QUERY['title'], strip=True) % keywords = bleach.clean(QUERY['keywords'], strip=True) % except Exception as e: % # This CANNOT happen unless input has been tampered with. % logging.error(f'{log_id}: unexpected QUERY [{e}] (tampering?)') % raise SystemExit % end % koi_data = copy.deepcopy(PAGE) % koi_file_fp = os.path.join(ME['path'], 'gallery.koi') % (acl_users, acl_ips, acl_time, editors) = process_acl() % koi_data['editors'] = editors % koi_data['title'] = title % koi_data['keywords'] = keywords % koi_data['acl']['gallery.koi'] = {'users': acl_users, 'groups': [], 'ips': acl_ips, \ % 'time': acl_time} % try: % with open(koi_file_fp, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fd: % json.dump(koi_data, fd, ensure_ascii=False) % end % os.chmod(koi_file_fp, CONFIG['wwwfperms']) % except Exception as e: % ERR = 'unable to update gallery' % logging.error(f'{log_id}: {ERR} "{koi_file_fp}" [{e}]') % return (page, ERR) % end % slug = QUERY.get('slug', '') % if slug != page: % (slug, ERR) = check_slug(slug) % if not ERR: % try: % slug_fp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ME['path']), slug) % os.rename(ME['path'], slug_fp) % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: renamed slug "{page}" to "{slug}"') % page = slug % except Exception as e: % ERR = 'unable to rename slug' % logging.error(f'{log_id}: {ERR} "{slug}" [{e}]') % end % end % end % return (page, ERR) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def update_library(img_id, action): % """ update_library(img_id[str], action[str]) Update the image library/ACL in "gallery.koi". "action" can be "add", "delete", or "update". For "add" the img_id input is sanitized by the upload routine (or added through the back-end). For the latter two the img_id must already be present in the library. """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "update_library({img_id=}, {action=})"') % koi_file_fp = os.path.join(ME['path'], 'gallery.koi') % # We need a fresh re-read if we're going to run this function in a loop % # (the PAGE info becomes stale after the first loop). % with open(koi_file_fp, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fd: % koi_data = json.load(fd) % end % img_fp = os.path.join(ME['path'], img_id) % if action == 'delete': % if os.path.isfile(img_fp): % os.remove(img_fp) % end % if os.path.isfile(img_fp+tn_ext): % os.remove(img_fp+tn_ext) % end % if os.path.isfile(img_fp+hst_ext): % os.remove(img_fp+hst_ext) % end % del koi_data['library'][img_id] % if img_id in koi_data['acl']: % del koi_data['acl'][img_id] % end % with open(koi_file_fp, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fd: % json.dump(koi_data, fd, ensure_ascii=False) % end % os.chmod(koi_file_fp, CONFIG['wwwfperms']) % return % end % if action == 'add': % hide = PAGE['image']['hide_new'] % elif action == 'update': % if QUERY.get('hide', '') == 'show': % hide = False % else: % hide = True % end % end % koi_data['library'][img_id] = {'watermark': '', 'tags': [], 'caption': '', \ % 'comments': {}, 'marked': '', 'data': {}, \ % 'hidden': hide, 'talent': {}, 'www': '', 'keywords': '', \ % 'email': '', 'photographer': '', 'credits': {}, \ % 'social': {}, 'location': '', 'copyright': ''} % with open(koi_file_fp, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fd: % json.dump(koi_data, fd, ensure_ascii=False) % end % os.chmod(koi_file_fp, CONFIG['wwwfperms']) % return % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def get_photos(editor): % """ get_photos(editor[bool]) -> (slides[list], show[str]) Return a list of images (photo file names) and a "show" hidden-input string to display hidden images (empty if proper tag is not in QUERY). """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "get_photos(, {editor=})"') % images = [i for i in PAGE['library']] % if not no_ns: % images = natsort.natsorted(images, alg=natsort.ns.IGNORECASE) % end % if editor: % slides = images % show = '' % elif PAGE['image']['unhide_tag'] in QUERY: % slides = images % show = f'' % else: % slides = [i for i in images if not PAGE['library'][i]['hidden']] % show = '' % end % return (slides, show) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % def sync_db(): % """ sync_db() -> (refresh[str], ERR[str]) Synchronize images on disk with those in the gallery.koi library and return a refresh HTML string (empty if not needed). """ % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: executing "sync_db()"') % ERR = '' % refresh = '' % images = [i for i in ME['files'] if os.path.splitext(i)[1].lower() in PAGE['image']['formats']] % images = [i for i in images if not (i.endswith(tn_ext) or i.endswith(hst_ext))] % # Sync database (in case of back-end additions/deletions). % for img_id in images: % if img_id not in PAGE['library']: % try: % update_library(img_id, action='add') % refresh = '' % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unable to update image library [{e}]') % ERR = 'unable to update library' % end % end % end % for img_id in PAGE['library']: % if img_id not in images: % try: % update_library(img_id, action='delete') % refresh = '' % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unable to update image library [{e}]') % ERR = 'unable to update library' % end % end % end % return (refresh, ERR) % end % % ##################################################################################### % % (refresh, ERR) = sync_db() % if not (refresh or ERR): % editor = check_editor(must=False) % (slides, show) = get_photos(editor) % tot = len(slides) % end % logging.info(f'{log_id}: processing DOCTYPE') {{!refresh}} % include('head.tpl') {{PAGE['title']}}
% include('header.tpl', show_search=True, show_login=True, hr=False) % ##################################################################################### % if ERR:


% ##################################################################################### % elif refresh: % pass % ##################################################################################### % elif no_pil or no_bleach:
% ##################################################################################### % elif QUERY.get('action', '') == 'upload': % check_editor() % (files, ERR) = save_upload() % for key, entry in files.items(): % if entry['OK']:

Saved file {{key}}

% else:

Unable to save file {{key}}: {{entry['status']}}

% end % end % if ERR:
% end % ##################################################################################### % elif QUERY.get('action', '') == 'update_gallery': % check_editor() % (page, ERR) = update_gallery() % if not ERR:

the gallery has been updated

% else:


% end % ##################################################################################### % elif QUERY.get('action', '') == 'update_library': % check_editor() % (img_id, nxt, prev, tot, idx) = get_slide(slides)
{{!xCSRF}} {{!show}}
{{!xCSRF}} {{!show}}
% try: % update_library(img_id, action="update") % if QUERY.get('hide', '') == 'show':

the image is no longer hidden

% else:

the image now requires ?{{PAGE['image']['unhide_tag']}} in the URL to be displayed

% end % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unable to update image library [{e}]')

unable to update image library

% end % ##################################################################################### % elif QUERY.get('action', '') == 'ask_delete': % check_editor() % img_id = get_img_id()
Are you sure you want to delete photo {{img_id}} ?
% ##################################################################################### % elif QUERY.get('action', '') == 'do_delete': % check_editor() % img_id = get_img_id() % ERR = '' % try: % update_library(img_id, action="delete") % except Exception as e: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unable to update image library [{e}]') % ERR = 'unable to update library' % end
% if not ERR: {{img_id}} has been deleted % else:


% end
% ##################################################################################### % elif not QUERY.get('mode', '') or QUERY.get('mode', '') == 'grid': % gal_acl = PAGE['acl']['gallery.koi'] % editors = ' '.join(PAGE['editors']) % clock = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gal_acl['time']).strftime(clock_format) % acl = ACL.format(acl_users=' '.join(gal_acl['users']), \ % acl_ips=' '.join(gal_acl['ips']), \ % acl_time=clock, formID='update_gallery', item='gallery')
% if not slides:

there are currently no images in the gallery

% end
% # Looping over slides keeps thumbnails hidden too. % for img_id in slides: % tn_fp = make_tn(os.path.join(ME['path'], img_id)) % if editor and PAGE['library'][img_id]['hidden']: % h = ' hidden' % else: % h = '' % end % if img_id in sc_data: % s = ' showcase' % else: % s = '' % end
{{!xCSRF}} {{!show}}
% end
% if editor:

% end % ##################################################################################### % elif QUERY.get('mode', '') == 'slides': % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: displaying slides') % (img_id, nxt, prev, tot, idx) = get_slide(slides) % if PAGE['acl'].get(img_id, {}): % img_acl = PAGE['acl'][img_id] % else: % img_acl = PAGE['acl']['gallery.koi'] % end % clock = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(img_acl['time']).strftime(clock_format) % img_fp = os.path.join(ME['path'], img_id) % exif = get_exif(img_fp) % exif['name'] = img_id % tn_fp = make_tn(img_fp) % hst_fp = make_hst(img_fp) % if editor and PAGE['library'][img_id]['hidden']: % h_class = ' hidden' % toggle = 'show' % pwd = f" (requires ?{PAGE['image']['unhide_tag']})" % else: % h_class = '' % toggle = 'hide' % pwd = f" (will need ?{PAGE['image']['unhide_tag']})" % end % if img_id in sc_data: % if sc_data[img_id][1]: % pwd = '&{0}'.format(sc_koi['image']['unhide_tag']) % else: % pwd = '' % end % link = f'{os.path.basename(showcase)}?img_id={sc_data[img_id][0]}{pwd}' % showcase_url = f'[sc]' % else: % showcase_url = '' % end
{{!xCSRF}} {{!show}}
{{!xCSRF}} {{!show}}
{{!xCSRF}} {{!show}}
{{PAGE['library'].get(img_id, {}).get('caption', '')}}
gallery: {{PAGE['title']}} ({{idx}}/{{tot}}) {{!showcase_url}}
% for i in ['name', 'date taken', 'geometry', 'size', 'camera model', 'flash', 'white balance', 'metering mode', 'exposure']: % if i not in exif: % continue % end {{i}}: {{exif[i]}}
% end
% for i in ['focal length (mm)', 'exposure time', 'aperture', 'ISO']: % if i not in exif: % continue % end {{i}}: {{exif[i]}}
% end % if hst_fp: % end
% if editor:
% end % ##################################################################################### % else: % logging.debug(f'{log_id}: unknown request')

could not process request

% end % #####################################################################################